12 November 2010

Suctioning 201

Suctioning 101 described our first forays into the icky business.

Suctioning 201 details how we've modified our technique to the "challenge" from Vera.

First step: Vera is bundled up like a mummy.

Vera looks at me with poisonous eyes. I don't like getting this,
she looks like she hates me! But there's no choice.
I wear a mask to hide my face.
Maybe I need funny glasses as well...

She takes one look at the apparatus and sticks her tongue out in defence. Clever girl.

Vera grits her teeth. Mummy tries using a spoon like a spanner.
It's a split second manoeuver, waiting for her to open just wide enough
for me to slip the spoon through.

Then comes the tricky part: Curving the catheter down her throat and down deep,
as GENTLY as I can, by waiting for moments when she relaxes her trach.

Finally, letting her rest with O2 in between tries.
She's tired, but all ready to put up a fight in the next round.


tumbleweed in space said...

Oh gosh, that splendid EVIL eye she gives you in that last picture is brilliant! Ya, maybe you do need those funny clown nose and spectacles!

Can't wait to see you all this weekend.



Serene Ho said...

I hate it when I had to suction Jonathan when he was young. But she's a brave girl! She's also tracking the camera and that's good.