02 May 2009

Swimsuit Shopping

Vera went swimming for the first time last Friday. Her school has a heated pool. To get her ready, we went shopping for her first swimsuit. Guess which one Mommy bought?


Anonymous said...

Well, Vera looks like a princess in the pink one and a competitive, serious swimmer in the green one. I hope you bought both!!

Annie's mom

Cathy said...

Ok we want to know which one you bought! She looks amazing and so healthy. Thank you for taking us shopping with you.
You are so lucky to have the heated pool at her school. We have one at home but not indoors so we have to deal with the sun. it will be great therapy for Vera.

Aunt Jacq said...

She looks gorgeous in both!
Cool... swim therapy. How did she do?

Love to Miss V.

Yin May said...

I bought the green one cos she looks like a surfer babe! Her teachers advised to buy a suit that's a little tighter so it gives some support to her body in the water.

Yin May said...

Aunt Jacq, Vera was cautious but relaxed in the water...perhaps it's her first time and she can't feel the limits of the bathtub!

Aunt Jacq said...

Isabelle initially didnt like the water... after some time... she loves the water.

Keep it going... it will and can only get better.

Serene Ho said...

So cute! Love both swimsuits. Way to go Vera!