Happy 15th Month to you. In the past month, you've really come into your own.
You've started to respond to tickling and love us playing with your face.
You've discovered that legs are good for patting - we love to see your hand and leg making friends.
You can now aim a spoon accurately into your mouth, even though you don't yet have the strength to raise your hand on your own.
You love looking at faces, they could be anyone's, you still prefer them to toys.
You can roll off your floor mattress now...we know when you do, because you'll be perfectly still and quiet.
You used to pat us, now it's more like hitting! You must be getting stronger.
You've grown 2cm taller. I wish you'd put on some weight though, you haven't in the last 8 months.
You're more aware than ever. So aware we can't fix your face mask on you in your sleep.
You've gone swimming for the 3rd time now, and you're taking to the water, slowly but surely.
You're smiling more and more now, we're delighted by your cheesy smile.
We celebrate the little miracle that you are, today and every day.
Sweet Vera, Happy Birthday. A glorious, wonderful, beautiful 15 months with you in this world. You continue to be so amazing with your milestones. I am so impressed and I know you are a hardworker but your parents are so willing and able to make sure you can do all that you can. Yea, May and Ian for you! I was so scared the first year, I don't think I pushed the boundaries or tried new things.
May thank you for sharing with me about Annabel Leigh here in Texas. I dropped them a line. I need to find out how to do alert for T18 again.
So hoping that you are getting some rest.
So beautifully put May.
Thank you for sharing your little miracle with the world. I love to follow every little bit of progress sweet Vera makes.
Barb (annie's mom)
happy 15 month vera! you are a little wonder! i love to see all the new things that your mommy and daddy are teaching you. keep doing amazing things little one :)
Seeing Vera's beautiful smile makes me smile with happiness. Happy 15th month gorgeous girl!
Happy Birthday Vera. You are simply gorgeous! We love you.
Grand Uncle Nick & family
Happy birthday, Vera! I just love seeing your smiling face! It brings joy to my heart!
Thank you, May, for sharing your precious little girl with us. She is such an inspiration!
Happy 15th Month Birthday, Vera.
You're so sweet. Keep Smiling.
yay! (",)
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