I said to Ian, 'We should celebrate...after all, we might not get to celebrate her 21 years.'
We've gotten lazy with her monthly birthday-dos. So I'd just mark it with the changes that have gotten her to where she is today:
She's started to grip things and look at them.
(achievement of the month)
She's started to blow raspberries.
(saliva bubbles)
She's beginning to show a preference for Mummy vs Daddy.
(she fixates on me when presented with both our faces)
She's putting on the pounds steadily.
(finally. Her weight had been stagnant for a year!)
She's getting lazy.
(sitting up used to be fun, till the novelty wore off)
She's enjoys school now.
(classtime, therapy time, pool time)
She's babbling more.
(we can tell the different sounds for "lonely", "complaining", "sleepy")
Some things haven't changed:
She's not having anything on her face - mask, nasal prong whatever.
She still does her 'towkay' thingie whenever she's lying down.
She still enjoys tapping.
(your face if you're near)
She's still Daddy's little girl.