07 January 2011

Mouth Closed...Finally!

The beautiful result of Vera's adenoid and tonsil removal is that she can now close her mouth.

In the past, Vera had her mouth open all the time - she was a mouth breather since birth.

These days, she keeps pursing her lips and constantly blows bubbles in and out. Finally, she can play with her saliva!

It's a sign that her nostrils are clear and she is breathing easy.

The "sound" of her silent breathing is absolutely music to my ears.


Cathy said...

She is so precious. I am so happy that she can breathe freer. Do you notice breathing or sats better at night?

Anonymous said...

That is terrific news! Keep up with the great progress, Vera. BTW...I love the picture of you above!

Susan, Zane's mom

Serene Ho said...

May, I'm very happy that everything is going well. Especially now that Vera is able to sit more upright and you can now bring her to different places. It's going to be great for her!
Wishing you, Ian, Vera and Dean a very fantastic year ahead!

Yin May said...

Thank you kind friends for your virtual support - your encouragement keeps me going. And I know you understand the joy I feel cos you have a special kiddo too.