13 July 2009

The Power of Touch

When Vera was born, her fists were tightly clenched, her second fingers overlapping the third. These are characteristic of Trisomy 18 babies.

We refused to believe her hands would remain closed for good.

After 16 months of therapy - lots of hand-holding, massaging, clapping, stroking - Vera is able to keep her palm open and clap with us for a little while. We look forward to the day she can clap on her own.


Anonymous said...

Hi May,

I can't wait to play the video just now.
Enjoying every single one that you post up everytime. Do you know it is so precious to anonymous people like us? It is a way we can feel closer to Vera even without being by her side. My heart jump an extra beat of joy each time I saw video of her. Thank you, thank you for all that you have done to make our day.
Cant wait to see the next one soon..

Kelly said...

way to keep those hands working baby girl! and how hilarious that the minute the video started kaiya wacked her toy that plays the same song! i love seeing the videos of vera. thank you!

Cathy said...

All your heart work will pay off. She looks so wonderful. Thank you for all your kind words on Annabel's blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is my 1st time visiting ur blog..just want to say vera looks lovely and active!she's so fortunate to have you as her mummy and vice versa!