03 June 2009

Rollin' Good Times

Introducing the RollerBabeTM. Can roll off pavements and into ditches. Performs best in the morning.


Kathy said...

Very busy and active little girl! So wonderful to see!!!

Yin May said...

Yes, she's a tri-er but also quite a try-er! She really practices on her turning, especially when she's angry! ; )

Kelly said...

so super cute! i especially love her "sultry" pose! what a little entertainer you have!

and i have to say thank you for posting your info about button care. kaiya doesn't have one, but so many triers do. i've always been curious but thought it would be weird to walk up to someone and ask them to explain it to me. so thank you for the education ;)

Serene Ho said...

this is too cute! she's really getting very active now!