26 June 2009

New Button

Vera had her button changed today, 3 months after it was inserted. It had been leaking because the valve stopping the milk from flowing out had become faulty. In less than 3 minutes it was yanked out, and a new one stuffed in. There was bleeding, a little of gooey insides outside, and a howling baby. But she was such a trooper. She remained motionless for the procedure and stopped crying soon after.

She's vomited quite a bit after the change. Some bleeding on the insides of the lining can irritate the stomach. Hopefully it settles.

Less wet tissue-wet clothes-wet gauze days are up ahead. Hooray!


Serene Ho said...

So glad you got it changed. All's good now!

Yin May said...

Yes, all's good now. The g button must be the best thing we've done for Vera's comfort and progress!

connie said...

I'm having SO much trouble leaving you a comment tonight, and I lost your email, or I'd have written there.

I just saw this tonight. Looks interesting. http://my1spot.wordpress.com/2009/11/10/granulation-tissue/

What brand of button is this? I SO much agree about the button being a good choice. The NG tube was horrible for Mallorie.