18 June 2010

Shoo Fly!

When Vera is excited, she swots flies.

Get in the way and you may experience a few slaps!

Trisomy 18 kids are often described by family members as really happy children. It's true for Vera. As long as she's not medically uncomfortable, she's cheerful. No attitudes, no tantrums. Just megawatt smiles for those who love her.


Annie said...

Ahhh.....she is so happy. So sweet to see. Look out baby brother..don't get in my way!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed, the sweetness and simple happiness of this :) Hugs hugs. Auntie Kay looking foward to hugging you in person!

Kelly said...

i completely love seeing videos of vera! kaiya does the same exact "fly swatting" thing when she gets excited!

Anonymous said...

So cute...and oops! she hit her nose once and that gave her a little shock..haha. She's so adorable LOL


Anonymous said...

hey Yinmay, haven't visited your site in a while... i really like this video of Vera! She's so joyful and active. And congrats on your new baby Daen ... you guys are such great parents, you should have more! :)
