31 December 2009

Happy New Year To You!

"To all who love and think of me, may your new year be filled with simply joys and smiles like mine, however tough things might be. Thank you for what you've done to get me this far - special thanks to my milk mommies, auntie laura, auntie beth, teacher alfi and the wonderful people in my big family!"


Serene Ho said...

Happy New Year to you Vera and mummy May and daddy Ian! You will continue to grow into a beautiful girl and that the new year will give you great health and joy! Love Aunty Serene & family :)

Granduncle Nick said...

You fully deserve another year of love and joy for being such an inspiration to us all. Thank you for that awesome smile. What a confident and cheery way to say "2010 ... here I come!"

Grand Uncle Nick & family

Anonymous said...

Happy to you all too! It is a joy to work with such a commited family and to see Vera grow into such a cheeky and interactive girl!

Auntie L

Anonymous said...

happy Birthday, Vera! Hope you day was full of fun and love. Haven't read an update lately, so thought I would send my first comment and wish you all well. Blessings to you!
