01 December 2009

'Tis The Season

Vera gets to see a Christmas tree in her home for the first time. Daddy's friend gave us the twinkling lights, and we borrowed the tree. We're trying her out on the walker too, and for the first time, she sat for about 2 minutes, moving a few inches backwards, before struggling. It would be so good if she could take to the walker for longer, so she can explore her surroundings better. Well, that'll have to be in her own good time.


Hilary said...

How cute!!! She's just checking the tree out so sweetly :) Love it!

Anonymous said...

Like this shot..

Glad she likes it... this weekend she can see one at dad's place too... Got her a x'mas present too!!


Serene Ho said...

Something to distract her...that's good! Don't put her too long on the walker because they tend to tip toe after a while. But at least she's getting the sense that she has to sit up straight and touch ground :)

Kathy said...

What a Merry Christmas your sweet family will have!