Vera comes home from the hospital - chubbier (aren't you supposed to lose weight after an illness?), able to sit up longer (after lying down for too long?), and smilier than ever.
In fact, she's been smiling since we stepped out of the hospital. She smiles in the car on the journey home. She surveys her surroundings intently when we reach back. She smiles when familiar songs are played. She smiles even to herself.
Best of all though, is the smile she gave me when she first opened her eyes this morning. As if saying, "I slept well, Mummy." For too long, we had gotten used to Vera waking up tired and cranky, struggling with congestion. That smile, was worth every cent of her new six-thousand-dollar biPAP machine.
really happy for Vera and your family. Her smile made my day as well
wow! super expensive. but then again, a good night sleep and her smiles and comfort are all priceless! HUGS
I am so happy for her good night sleep and her good morning smiles. Praying that she will continue to stay well. I love the small compact machine! Ours is bulkier. Wow, 6000.00 yikes.
When you eat well, breathe well, sleep well.... you gain weight.
Love that gorgeous smile, Vera. Now to get some beautiful sleep at night for all.
I cant agree more... the smiles are worth every cent paid!!
good to hear her smiling all the time. Glad the little machine worked.
the girl finally gets what she wants,.. that is why she is similing at the time... :)
All great news....most amazing. I am curious, does the government cover any of the cost of equipment like that?
In my province in Canada, infants with "pre-existing conditions" who suffer apnea as a result of a "pre-existing condition" (such as a genetic condition) cannot have an apnea monitor.
What does that tell you?
Your post makes my heart happy. Thanks for sharing.
Woo hoo!!! Everyone gets their beauty sleep. Priceless.
Hoping and praying that all these improvements are your new normal!!!
it still shocks me that that is the case in Canada...a first world country. I did question the doc at emergency room about their treatment protocol of a pre-existing condition such as Trisomy 18. Her answer was that they are "not cruel" and will provide the necessary first step life-saving measures in an emergency. I think though perceptions have only begun to change in recent years. It is assuring that Vera's hospital has another Trisomy 18 child now 7 years under their care.
Kathy, you're right beauty sleep IS priceless. We hope it's our new normal too, at least till No.2 comes and I go back to sleeplessness again.
I like Vera's sweet smile. Her smile is always beautiful in my eyes and in God's too.
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