22 September 2008

The Sun Shines

…when Vera smiles. She made our day with a whole lot of it yesterday. There’s just something about a toothless grin that really melts my heart. Every smile says ‘I’m happy to be here with you. I like that thing you do, it tickles me.” No wonder people have more kids. They just can’t get enough of these utterly magical moments.


Cathy said...

It is mid-night here, and my sun just began to shine! Thank you for sharing this pic. I am so happy for the last 4 nights of sleep. You are so right, when they sleep we have such a better day! She is amazing as you and your husband are! Thanks again, for a beautiful post.

jacquisbakingsomething said...
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Kelly said...

what a wonderful way to phrase it, "I like that thing you do, it tickles me." the smiles really are magical and precious :)

Anonymous said...

You both have given so much love to her... it shows in the way she smiles.

Keep it up, mum & dad