12 November 2016

Eye See You

Miss Squinty-small-eyes has new big eyes. All thanks to her new pair of glasses. 

They magnify her eyes big time, because the degree is very high.

After 3 rounds of detailed eye tests, doctors discovered that Vera has severe long-sightedness. Without "lao hua yan" glasses, she's as good as blind. 

No wonder she kept poking her eye - to stimulate her own vision. No wonder she wasn't tracking us. At 700 degrees, everything is a blur.

The eye tests also confirmed, for the first time in 8 years, that the physical connection between her both eyes and brain are normal.

It doesn't not mean however than with these glasses she can suddenly see perfectly. 

Doctors believe there was some brain damage during the serious Pneumonia earlier this year. This could have affected the processing of visual input. 

For now, we can see that she's getting used to "seeing" again, with new eyes.