27 September 2011

Silent Reflux?

After dallying for a few months, we're finally going to put Vera through the PH Impedance Test tomorrow.

She will be warded for the 24-hour study at NUH.

Vera has been taking Omeprazole for reflux for nearly 2 years now. The dosage costs us about S$150 (USD$117) each month.

In this time, she has hardly ever vomitted. But then again, there's something called 'silent reflux'.

So I'm hoping, once and for all, we'll have answers to the mystery of whether she really has acid backing up or not, at any point in a day.

With the results, we can then either wean down the Omeprazole, or increase it. I'm hoping for the former of course.

Let's see.


Anonymous said...

Praying for God's healing and no more reflux.

Aunt Jacq

Anonymous said...

Vera is God's creation for us and she is watched over by His guardian angels. Hugs and love


Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well for Vera, Ally had the pH study done as well, her readings were off the chart so Omeprazole became our best friend for the next 2 years.