27 April 2010

Daen is a month old

We celebrated his 1st month last Sunday. Might have a post for it when we've time to settle down to sort out the photos.

Before the earlier photos become too 'outdated', here are some pix of our little baby at a couple of days old.
Don't be deceived by his seemingly calm looks. He is surely more vocal than Vera .... :P


Anonymous said...

He looks soooo cute!!! with that dimple, he's gonna grow up a charming chap :D


Anonymous said...

I love this... all the expressions... and I thought he looks cool :P


Anonymous said...

OK now I am confused... is his name Dean or Daen? None the less very cute and great collage of pics :)

Aunty L

Ian said...

Oopss.... sorry for the typo, Aunty L.

Serene Ho said...

He is such a darling! Love those pictures :)