01 December 2011

3 Years 9 Months

3 years 9 months holds special significance for me. 

That is how old Vera is now.

That is also how long Annalisa lived.

Annalisa was a Trisomy 18 girl that I found on the Internet when Vera was a few months old. At that time, I was desperate to find a living case of Trisomy 18, or a family in Singapore.

I looked her mother up, I needed to talk to someone in my shoes so bad.

I learnt that she had just passed on. Till now, I remember what her mother told me: "She lived 3 years 9 months". She also looked at Vera's baby photo and said, "Your child is special."

Ever since then, 3 years 9 months had become almost a benchmark in my mind. I've wished for Vera to reach this point, because Annalisa did. Tonight, I looked at Vera and could almost imagine the same goofy happiness Annalisa exuded in her videos. 

I've lost contact with her mother and so will not post pictures.

Sweet dreams Annalisa. Wherever you are.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms May,

I visit this blog every now and then and it is wonderful to see how Vera has grown so much and how she overcame the obstacles in her way. She is a strong and beautiful girl :)

I've not left a comment before because I didn't dare to, but after reading this post I knew that I should write one.

Thank you so much for remembering and thinking of my baby sister :)
It's been a few years but I will always remember her goofy grins and chuckles.

Please continue sharing about Vera and say hi to her on my behalf!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching this important date. Hope you and your family are doing wonderfully!


Yin May said...

Dear Angelina,

So surprised to have you reading this! It is amazing that you have found your way here.

I will always remember Annalisa. Sometimes, I look at Vera and think of her.

I'm sure you miss her very much.

Do post more often!