27 March 2010


Active Labour - Meeting pain with calm

Baby Daen was conceived 9 months ago, but his birth has been 2 years in the making.

Way back when I was pregnant with Vera, I was already planning to give birth in a different way.

We've all grown up with these images of delivery : the woman, screaming in pain, gripping her panic-stricken husband, the midwives shouting commands of "one-two-three push!", the doctor resorting to epidurals and forceps to "get the baby out".

Many women just accept that the pain and the upcoming "ordeal" was the price to pay for having a baby.

But my pain threshold is SO low. I can't even endure pre-menstrual cramps and would take painkillers at the first sign of it. Instinctively, I knew I needed an alternative way to deal with the birthing process when the time came.

I learnt about Hypnobirthing from a dear friend - the way to a drug-free, painless natural birth with significantly shorter labour. She had successfully utilised the technique and gave birth within 4 hours of reaching the hospital. Hmmm...all you had to do was condition your mind and learn a few relaxation techniques to have a gentle birth? It sounded too good to be true.

We were still not fully convinced, but we decided to give it a shot.

Ian and I attended classes diligently to learn more about this technique.

For the first time, we watched videos of women in labour that were so different from the televised images we have become accustomed to. These women were in labour but they looked like they were sleeping! Some did not even make a sound as their babies emerged! Some even squatted and passed their babies out into their own hands! It was surreal, but oh so natural.

When complications arose with Vera, my plans for a hypnobirth were shoved aside and what took place was a C-section that was so traumatic for me that I swore I'd never give birth again if I had to have one.

So when Daen came along, the choice was clear. I had to have a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesearean).

Problem is, very few doctors out there are comfortable with letting women do this. There is a 1% risk of uterine rupture due to the surgical cut of the previous Cesearean if a woman pushes too hard during the next delivery. If that happens, an emergency C-section is necessary and a supposedly normal baby could come out with severe complications.

People offered well-meaning but cautionary advice.

"I think you better have a c-section, it's safer,"

Doctors asked me: "1% risk is quite high you know, are you prepared to put your baby at risk?"

I needed help to believe in a VBAC. But I knew of no one who had had one. On internet forums, there were hardly any moms sharing their success stories.

Luckily, Ian was supportive right from the start. And we found our wonderful doula Lauren. And we got Dr Paul (one of the handful of gynaes in Singapore who supports VBACs) to be our obstetrician.

So I picked up where I left off and diligently continued preparing for a hypnobirth. With help at home looking after Vera, I was able to devote time to conditioning my mind, re-programming it to think in a whole new way:

1) That there is no such thing as "pain".
2) That the body itself knows how to birth a baby vs WE needing to instruct it to.
3) That there is no such thing as "pushing", only "breathing".

Determined that this time, I was going to get the birth I want, I tried my best to zone out whenever people shared their stories of how they couldn't endure the pain and had to ask for painkillers or gas.

And when the time came, everything just fell into place. All my years of controlled breathing during my choir-singing days and my experience with slow breathing as a diver finally came in handy.

I breathed like there was no tomorrow.

With the help of my oh-so-calming doula Lauren and my cool-cucumber hubby, I laboured in the comfort of home for 6 hours before heading to the hospital.

I was afraid that the change to a clinical environment would slow down my progress but I needn't have worried. Once we got there, Lauren made sure that I did not have to speak to any nurses nor deal with any admission paperwork whatsoever.

Towards to end, I did lose focus when the surges became too intense. But Lauren always assured me, "You're doing beautifully," Those three words were all it took to keep me going.

I continued to labour on the birth ball, on a birthing stool, and even in the warm water tub.

And it was true: When the time came to push, I didn't have to. My body did it for me, on auto-pilot. It was like it had taken over from the mind. And after about 8 times, it birthed my baby out - into the hands of the midwife - even before Dr Paul returned.

At no point did I ask for gas or drugs. And because of that, baby Daen came into my arms so alert, and I was perfectly conscious to have and to hold my baby - straight from my womb, his umbilical cord still attached.

I had waited for this moment for 2 years. The emotional release was so overwhelming I burst into tears for a good 10 minutes.

Sometimes in life, you just have to take a leap of faith and believe. We are so blessed and thankful that everything turned out just the way we wanted:

Au naturel!

Thank you all for following us on this amazing journey and for all your well-wishes! We will be leaving the hospital today and heading home to show Vera her little brother.


Sunflower said...

You are such an amazing lady....


Anonymous said...

well done, may! congratulations to you and your family! have been following your blog for some time and i really feel so happy for you. enjoy your new boy!


Raising Davis Darlings said...

Amazing job!!!! Congrats!

WaveSurfer said...

That's really amazing! Thanks for sharing about your experience!

Anonymous said...

you go GIRLLLL!!!! So absolutely proud of you! you gotta keep writing and sharing these positive stories cos women of the world hear too few of them! Go spread the word, everyone! Hypnobirthing, and having a birth that you are in control of, EXIST! :-)

And Ian, it wouldn't have been possible without you believing in it! So kudos to you too!


Cathy said...

I have never heard of this but I am so happy for you! You do seem so diciplined! I am so glad that your birth was everything you wanted and hoped for. I am glad you were surrounded with such helpful people. I will be back to check for updates.

connie said...

Oh, May, I am so happy for you!!! Another reason for joy in your home. You are truly amazing, and I love especially the picture of Ian with you.

Jason Chan said...

Congratulations!! That's amazing!! If we have a second one, we are sooo trying Hypnobirthing!! When can we visit?

Hilary said...

Congratulations..what a beautiful story!! Daen is a beautiful boy!!! I'm so happy for your family :) Many blesings...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both Ian and May on the arrival of Daen. Looking at the various comments from far and wide, your determination and strength has certainly inspired many people! Big hugs to Vera!

Aunty L

Anonymous said...

Hi Jia Iuan and May,

gongxi gongxi!!! what a beautiful baby! really, really happy for you! Am sure Vera is going to be very happy that she is going to have another playmate at home!

May - take care and rest well!

Seow Ying

Annie said...

Wow May, I could so relate to the feeling of having that little one in your arms. What a glorious moment and so long in coming. Thanks for sharing the miracle of your miracle children.


Anonymous said...

Wow you did!!! Yeah for you and congratulations!! Baby Daen is beautiful. Hoping that your enjoying every minute of your newly expanded family. Trish

Jillian said...

Congratulations on your successful VBAC! We decided to have a totally different birth after our #1 as well and went to see Paul. I engaged a doula which is the best thing we ever did and like you, our 2nd birth was all natural. Rest well, I'm sure Vera is thrilled to be a big sister

kia ngee said...

Hey Jia Iuan and May,
Congratulations to you both! You've both been amazing parents and thank you for sharing your journey. Little Daen looks beautiful and I'm sure Vera will be a great sister to him.
Many blessings to the Lau family!

Love, jiayi

. said...

Dear Yin May, I am so happy for you!! Like you, I explored Hypno but I could only do it via a book here. Ended up with a traumatic birth that led to an ambulance ride from a birth house to a hospital. Your experience really touched me and I'm so proud of all of you!! It's so amazing to read how it really happened for you :) Love to everyone and may Vera & Daen grow stronger every day! Best wishes, Danie/Tokyo

connie said...

May, I've been thinking of you. I hope you are getting plenty of rest. You told us what Vera means - what does Daen mean? I love it.

Yin May said...


Yes a traumatic birth experience does leave an emotional trail that stays with you...totally understand.

Daen is a name I create actually. So he's really special! Couldn't find a name I liked so I came up with it cos I wanted it to sound partly like "Ian". Cos he's my little Ian!

Anonymous said...

u r marvellous! wish i noe abt hypnobirth when i was pregs!