31 March 2016
Not Out of The Woods
29 March 2016
Unchartered Waters
In severe cases
Respiratory syncytial virus can lead to a lower respiratory tract illness such as pneumonia or bronchiolitis — an inflammation of the small airway passages entering the lungs. Signs and symptoms may include:
Severe cough
Wheezing — a high-pitched noise that's usually heard on breathing out (exhaling)
Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, which may make the child prefer to sit up rather than lie down
So now we know. I was puzzled why Vera kept trying to sit up in bed before she worsened and had to be intubated.
RSV is highly contagious. Which probably explains why I'm sick now, having been suctioning Vera during the onset of the virus.
In adults, RSV can be just sore throat, cold, copious amounts of mucus , and symptoms usually show up 4-6 days after exposure.
She's On A Deep Dive
With sedation, it's like she has descended to so great a depth that we no longer can see each other. We now gauge vitals on the machine readings by the amount, quality and frequency of the bubbles rising to the surface. Her brain might not make total sense of the sounds around her, but she is able to hear our voices, mummy's singing and the familiar music we're playing. Like in diving, we can still hear sounds through water.
We hope that she can find her way around in this seemingly ultra-long deep dive.
Don't flip too hard when you go round chasing after the squids; you need to conserve your energy and refrain from further stressing your heart.
Don't swim against the undercurrents that are too strong; just stay low or hang onto something and wait it out since your lungs are still badly infected.
Don't explore too deep into the cave; we don't want you get lost in it and run out of air.
- by Ian
26 March 2016
Shifted Vera to ICU on Friday. Her breathing was so laboured that we have decided to have her intubated and put on a ventilator. I've not seen her working so hard.
Tests showed that it's RSV - a virus - which means there's no antibiotics for it.
Her oxygen saturation went low this morning and needed 4 rounds of bagging to get her back.
Now, with higher ventilator setting@30cmH2O and increased NO@15ppm, her Sat is only at around 88.. . . .